

Me using a hoodie, with messy hair and looking to the right

Hey there!

I'm Richard.

I'm a software developer with around 3 years of experience. I've worked with Node, React, Vue and Express.

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Curriculum vitae

I started learning programming around 2013, learning Javascript with ProcessingJS (a graphics library), and basic C for competitive programming. Since then I’ve moved mainly to C++ in competitive programming, and Typescript with Node and React for web development.

I am passionate about development because I like learning and creating new things. Translating ideas to a crazy fast logic-powered machine and seeing it understand me? WHAT. SIGN ME UP!!

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Screenshot of this website's homepage: an image of me with a description of my profession

Portfolio v2 (this website)

Screenshot of Pomodoro timer app: a 20-minute timer besides a todo list

Pomodoro Timer

Screenshot of one of the quizzes, showing a musical staff with a treble clef and 4/4 time signature, asking to place where the note E (mi) is

Music theory study

Screenshot of homepage of the website for Puban, showing Puban written in a gradient from lightblue to purple above two textboxes for translation

Puban cipher (website)

Screenshot of bot setup page for the Puban Discord bot, showing Puban written in a gradient from lightblue to purple, followed a bunch of by instructions

Puban cipher (Discord bot)

Screenshot of the flash card app: there's a card centered and two cards barely appearing on either side of the screen


Flash cards